Press Room

  • EU-ASEAN-Japan Symposium announces High-Performance Computing School resumption

    March 1, 2023

    The continuation of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) School in 2023 to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia was announced during the EU-ASEAN-Japan Symposium at the Supercomputing Asia Conference (SCA) 2023. The school will be held in-person and will welcome back international luminaries to teach the fundamentals of HPC and its applications to critical domains to students from all ASEAN Member States. For the first time, the school director will be an ASEAN scientist. Find out more in the Media Release.

  • Singapore’s national supercomputer to be used in student education and upskilling of professionals to support future jobs

    February 28, 2023

    NSCC, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore Institute of Technology, AI Singapore and the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, sign MOUs to explore new training methods, courses and curricula which will leverage the power of a supercomputer. Singapore’s newest national supercomputer, the ASPIRE 2A, is also now ready to support this initiative as well as meet the advanced research needs of Singapore’s scientific community across a wide array of fields. Find out more in the Media Release.

  • HPC-AI Advisory Council Announces Results for the 5th APAC HPC-AI Competition

    November 17, 2022

    The HPC-AI Advisory Council, National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore and National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Australia, today announced the results of the fifth iteration of the regional APAC HPC-AI student competition. The jointly organized 2022 APAC HPC-AI Competition included tasks and challenges focusing on three of the hottest research topics and mission critical issues that leverage the power of HPC and AI technologies to develop more in-depth understanding of the tasks and find solutions to help improve the issues of human health as well as the sustainability of our planet’s resources and environment. Find out more in the Media Release.

  • Finland and Singapore’s National Quantum Office ink MoU to strengthen quantum technology research cooperation

    August 30, 2022

    The National Quantum Office of Singapore, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, IQM Quantum Computers and CSC – IT Center for Science (Finland) agree to explore and promote research and development collaboration in the areas of quantum technologies. Under the MoU, the parties aim to accelerate the development of quantum technology hardware components, algorithms and applications, and collaborate in the areas of quantum-accelerated high-performance computing and both terrestrial and satellite quantum communications. The MoU will also pave the way for knowledge exchange on national strategic roadmaps for quantum technologies. Find out more here.

  • To cool the world’s data centres

    August 19, 2022

    Organisations need to make important, timely and informed decisions to stay competitive and relevant. Businesses will increasingly leverage shared IT operations in data centres that will help store, process and disseminate critical and proprietary digital assets with powerful computing resources. Read more about how KoolLogix’s patented patented energy-efficient cooling system for data centres reduces energy consumption by up to 50 per cent here.

  • NTU spin-off firm to help transform data centres into energy-efficient set-ups

    June 15, 2022

    Scientists in Singapore are using artificial intelligence (AI) to help transform typically energy-sapping data centres into energy-efficient ones.. Following successful trials, the team from Red Dot Analytics, a spin-off company from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), is now looking to commercialise the technology. Collaborating with organisations such as e-commerce and technology giant Alibaba and national research infrastructure National Supercomputing Centre Singapore, the Red Dot Analytics’ team built virtual prototypes of their technologies before testing and verifying them in their data centres.

  • Singapore’s quantum ecosystem gets a boost from three national platforms

    May 31, 2022

    Singapore’s Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) has launched three national platforms to grow the country’s capabilities in quantum computing, quantum-safe communication and the manufacturing of quantum devices. The three national quantum platforms, which are hosted across the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, (A*STAR), and the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore, will coordinate activities across research organisations and build public-private collaborations to put Singapore at the cutting edge in quantum technologies. Find out more in the Media Release.

  • 5th Annual APAC HPC-AI Student Competition Launched

    May 18, 2022

    The HPC-AI Advisory Council announced the start of the 5th Annual APAC HPC-AI Competition that tackles the pressing global problems of human health and sustainability. Jointly organized with NSCC Singapore and the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Australia, the annual competition harnesses the AI and HPC skillsets of student teams from around the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Spanning six intensive months, the annual competition hosts graduate, advanced degree and undergraduate students from across the APAC region to develop their skillsets and challenge their understanding of high performance computing (HPC) and AI technologies as well as showcase their mastery of the two disciplines in a spirited international competition. The 2022 APAC HPC-AI Competition will see 100s students representing 22 teams from 12 countries and regions in APAC vying for the coveted crown of this year’s best team. Find out more in the Media Release

  • New collaborations to develop HPC-enabled bioinformatics capabilities and promote its use in Singapore

    April 22, 2022

    The international Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNET) and the local Association for Medical and Bio-Informatics, Singapore (AMBIS) signed collaborations with the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore to explore joint activities aimed at developing and promoting the use of high-performance computing in the field of bioinformatics. The proposed activities include developing high-performance computing (HPC) capability and talent development for bioinformatics, education and outreach as well as strategies to promote the use of bioinformatics and HPC in Singapore’s biomedical sector. Find out more in this Media Release.

  • Energy guzzlers: Data centers and the question of sustainability

    April 4, 2022

    Data centers are considered “the world’s greatest energy guzzlers” and are estimated to consume a tenth of global energy production. Rapid technological innovation has led to greater energy consumption and, consequently, higher greenhouse gas emissions that are having visible and devastating impacts on the environment. Red Dot Analytics (RDA), a deep-tech company providing industrial AI software, has taken the pioneering AI and “cognitive digital twin” research by NTU and has digitally modelled NSCC’s entire operation to identify inefficiencies in its hot and cold air-mixing framework that led to a poor power usage effectiveness rating. The discovery – and the efforts to correct it – resulted in NSCC achieving energy cost savings of US$4,400 a month, as well as a 15% to 30% improvement in its cooling systems efficiencies. Find out more in this News Article.

  • Five Singapore research projects approved for 1 million node hours of high-performance computing resources on the world’s fastest supercomputer, Japan’s Fugaku system

    March 18, 2022

    In an agreement signed between Japan’s Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST) and National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore in November 2021, Singapore researchers were granted regular access to the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Japan’s Fugaku system. In the first such arrangement of its kind outside of Japan, Singapore researchers can now apply for available resources through an annual Call for Projects to Fugaku, which is facilitated by NSCC in partnership with RIST. The successful project awardees from Singapore span a number of research fields including materials research, advanced manufacturing & engineering and urban solutions & sustainability. Find out more in the Media Release

  • NCI and NSCC Sign Memorandum of Understanding

    March 4, 2022

    The national supercomputer and big data facilities of Australia and Singapore, the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI Australia), andNSCC are building on their already close partnership to deepen their joint activities into areas that will further improve technology, software development, staff and user training, and data sharing for both organisations over the next three years. Find out more in the Media Release.