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SupercomputingAsia 2025 (SCA25)

SupercomputingAsia 2025 is back in Singapore! SCA25, an annual international conference bringing together a diverse range of notable supercomputing events, will be held from 10 to 13 March 2025 at the iconic Sands Expo & Convention Centre in Singapore (located at Marina Bay Sands). This premier event is co-organised by HPC centres from Australia, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, fostering a vibrant and impactful HPC ecosystem in Asia.


The conference will feature a dynamic program lineup including workshops, tutorials, plenary talks by industry and research leaders, networking opportunities, and an exhibition space showcasing cutting-edge HPC and Quantum technologies and solutions.


Registration and ticket purchase for SCA25 will open soon. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this exciting event! Register your interest here to stay updated on the latest developments at SCA2025.


Sneak peek – Some of SCA25’s Keynote Speakers

Jack Dongarra specialises in numerical algorithms in linear algebra, parallel computing, advanced computer architectures, programming methodology, and tools for parallel computers. He holds appointments at the University of Manchester, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Tennessee.

In 2019, he received the ACM/SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Prize. In 2020, he received the IEEE-CS Computer Pioneer Award. In 2021, he received the ACM A.M. Turing Award for his pioneering contributions to numerical algorithms and software that have driven decades of extraordinary progress in computing performance and applications. He is a fellow of the AAAS, ACM, IEEE, and SIAM, as well as a foreign member of the British Royal Society, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. National Academy of Engineering.
Prof. Jack Dongarra, Professor Emeritus
University of Tennessee
Professor Jingbo Wang established and currently leads the Research Centre for Quantum Information, Simulation and Algorithm at the University of Western Australia (UWA). The centre fosters collaboration and entrepreneurship, bringing together academics and industrial partners to develop innovative quantum solutions to tackle otherwise intractable problems and complex phenomena. Wang and her team were among the first to demonstrate the power of quantum walks in extracting local and global information of complex networks, in finding optimal and high-quality solutions to a wide range of combinatorial optimisation problems, in speeding up machine learning and image processing, and in exploring fundamental structures and symmetries in nature. Widely published in prestigious journals like Nature Photonics, Science Advances, and Physical Review Letters, her contributions have significantly advanced quantum computing and laid the foundation for future breakthroughs.

Professor Wang is also a founding director of the Australian Quantum Software Network Limited, director of the UWA-Pawsey Educational Quantum Computing Centre, Chair of the IEEE Quantum on Consumer Technology Technical Committee, chief quantum computing advisor to the WAWEB3 not-for-profit association, a member of College of Experts for the Australian Research Council, among several other notable positions. Professor Wang has played a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive suite of quantum computing lecture courses offered at the undergraduate, masters, and PhD levels. Her leadership significantly contributes to the educational advancement and integration of quantum computing expertise within the academic realm. In addition, Professor Wang serves as the Co-Director of Quantum Girls, an Australian Federal Government-funded project aimed at encouraging more girls and women throughout Australia to explore careers in quantum science, specifically in quantum computing.
Prof. Jingbo Wang, Professor, School of Physics, Maths and Computing, Physics
University of Western Australia
Charlie is the founding director of the Urban Center for Computation and Data (UrbanCCD), a joint Argonne-UChicago research centre that brings scientists, artists, architects, technologists, and policymakers together to use computation, data analytics, and embedded systems to understand the dynamics, design, and resilient operation of cities. He is also a visiting artist at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Before joining Argonne in 2000, Charlie served as Chief Technology Officer of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Beginning at NCSA’s founding in 1985, he participated in the development of NSFNET, one of several early national networks that evolved into what we now experience as the Internet. During the exponential growth of the web following the release of NCSA’s Mosaic web browser, his team developed and supported NCSA’s scalable web server infrastructure.
Charlie Catlett, Senior Computer Scientist
Argonne National Laboratory

Key Co-located Event – ACM ASEAN HPC School


We are proud to announce that Singapore will be the host country for the next edition of the prestigious ACM ASEAN School on HPC and AI. Scheduled from 10 to 14 March 2025, the school, hosted by SupercomputingAsia 2025, will provide an immersive learning experience for recent postdocs, PhD students, and exceptional MSc students in computer science and related fields. 


The program will be focused on HPC and AI while introducing participants to emerging research areas like Quantum Computing. Over the week, the students will engage in formal lectures, invited talks, and a keynote lecture by Turing laureate Jack Dongarra. Esteemed speakers from leading institutions worldwide, including RIKEN R-CCS, the University of Tokyo, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), and the National University of Singapore, will be here in Singapore to contribute to this enriching school program.