Continual development in high fidelity modeling and simulation allow scientists and engineers to derive deep insights from the detailed flow field information. This enables better evaluation and prediction of the performance and devises optimized design for marine vessels and offshore platforms. Augmented by the power of supercomputers, the marine and offshore industry is now more receptive towards the idealization of digital twins and in the near future, cyber-physical integration.
In this webinar, Dr Xiuqing will showcase a few examples of how high fidelity simulation with High Performance Computing (HPC) are employed for marine, offshore, and renewables sectors. This includes, but are not limited to, the following:
- An Intelligent Hull Operation, Processing, & Evaluation (I HOPE) platform developed by IHPC for high efficient vessel resistance prediction;
- Design and optimization of marine and offshore structures;
- Application focus on innovation in offshore renewable energy sector, such as tidal turbine and floating offshore wind turbine performance evaluation, and wind farm layout optimization;
- Digital twin for ocean basin and towing tank, and reduce order modelling for future preparation of cyber-physical integration
The highlight will be on the HPC application in the high fidelity investigations, the development of digital twins, as well as the new and innovative modeling and simulation technologies. The talk will conclude with key benefits HPC-empowered high fidelity simulations will bring to the marine, offshore and renewables sector.
The webinar is free and open to all.