- Introduction
- Introduction to NSCC
- About HPC
- More about NSCC HPC cluster
- PBS Pro (Scheduler)
- Compilers and Libraries
- Developer Tools
- Co-processor / Accelerators
- Environment Modules
- Applications
- NSCC helpdesk/support
- Q&A
- Understanding basic operation
- User Enrollment
- Login to NSCC Login nodes
- Using Compute manager interface
- Transfer files
- Creating PBS Job submission script
- Load environment module
- Compiling simple C Program
- Create job submission script and submit job
- Create job submission script for MPI
- Laptop to use in hands-on session
- (Preferred to have basic knowledge in Linux CLI operations, although not mandatory)
At the end of the course, a user will understand the overall system setup of ASPIRE1. For users who have not done so, a personal ASPIRE1 account will be created during the workshop and ready to be used after. The user will also know how to transfer a file, compile a program, and submit a job into ASPIRE1.